Anyone can hire a singer for their perfect wedding night, but not any groom or bride can sing at their magical wedding party!!

We have been in the business for 20 years and experienced the fact that many engaged couples, dream of their wedding night and love to personalize it at the max.

Nowadays, brides may come to write on their dresses vows of love, and grooms come to tag their jackets with words of love and devotion sent to their future wife, which everyone at the ceremony can read and enjoy!

Days have changed, wedding planners are searching for more and more personalized ideas to make the love story between groom and bride stand out and be the wowing effect of the night.

What about singing? No one can argue that it is the best way of showing to your better half your love! Well at we have been experiencing that for years. Couples come to us, to record their duets with such joy and happiness, anticipating the applauses through the wedding party!

And it works! The groom and bride record their favorite song, with top-notch professional equipment, they listen to their voices clean and angelic like they never did before, feel the vibes of a real artist behind that professional microphone, and boom! The result is fantastic!! The night is explosive and the guests never forget that romantic moment!

If you ask me my opinion, I would rather go for that personalized gift for my husband rather than anything else!

My love sang to him with my voice! Even if I’m not Celine Dion, I will touch the bottom of his heart and leave an unforgettable moment and song in our love life to remind us of our vows whenever we hear that song again!

Cheers to future newlyweds, and don’t be afraid to sing your heart loud, record it and shine at your once in a lifetime wedding party!

See you next week!